15 research outputs found

    Fitting In: Extreme Corporate Wellness and Organizational Communication

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    In this dissertation I examine the intersection of organizational communication and what I name extreme corporate wellness. I define extreme corporate wellness as the push towards more radical fitness and workplace health promotion via the exercise program known as CrossFit. I argue that a discourse of extreme corporate wellness furthers a social-Darwinian viewpoint of “survival of the fittest” not only in the workplace, but also in an employee’s personal and home life. This study combined participant-observation with 28 semi-structured interviews in a large, corporate organization that had recently shifted to CrossFit practices. By drawing on a critical-interpretive lens I am able to not only examine an organization’s movement toward a more fitness-minded organizational culture, but to also interrogate the implications of such a move. The findings in this dissertation contribute to three areas of organizational communication and wellness: (1) organizational culture, (2) power and resistance, and (3) corporeal ethics. First, organizational culture, including espoused values and shared levels of assumptions, took on certain changes because of an emphasis on extreme fitness. Employee participation in CrossFit led to strict notions of strength and masculinity not just in the organization’s gym, but also throughout the corporate offices and even into home life. The extreme corporate wellness discourse also contributed to employees’ understanding of not just fitness, but health, nutrition and lifestyle. Second, I use the concept of extreme corporate wellness to further illuminate important links between organizational culture, identity and branding and how those interact in the complicated play between power and resistance. My reading of the organizational fitness artifacts (e.g. organizational posters, marketing slogans, tangible objects) brings into question not only the assumptions of a fitness culture, but also demonstrates how the CrossFit [regime/discourse] perpetuates certain moral imperatives about health and fitness. Even though the organization originally attempted to create a more ‘authentically fit’ workplace through a mandate or vertically communicated message, the CrossFit program functioned much more obtrusively by means of concertive control. This powerful fitness initiative was then resisted by certain employees, resulting in upended notions of organizational time. While there were certainly benefits to the program, my study weighs those benefits against the consequences of extreme wellness and its attendant discourse. Finally, I theorize how the body serves as a political site between employer, government, and public in a way that forces researchers to think differently about corporeal ethics. Specifically, I demonstrate that body politics are perpetuated by an emphasis on the extreme, hegemonic, masculine world of CrossFit and that the implications of this fitness regime extend beyond the organizational walls

    Marketing plan of Crossfit 393

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    Treball final de Grau en Administració d’Empreses. Codi: AE1049. Curs acadèmic 2015-2016CrossFit is a high intensity functional sport that stands out due to its variety of training options. The company chosen for analysis is CrossFit 393, created by Carlos Piñon, located in Castellón de la Plana. CrossFit 393’s main activity involves offering services related to this sport. An internal and external analysis of the company and the environment it operates in was carried out in order to properly understand the business’s current situation and, additionally, allow for short term objectives to be emplaced. The external analysis refers to the problems in Spanish society that derive from the consequences of the crisis that started in the year 2008, such as, a reduction in household expenditure. Despite this, more and more Spanish people currently worry about their physical condition and health and therefore try incorporate healthy habits into their lifestyle. Furthermore, an analysis of the competition was carried out, proving that CrossFit 393 holds a leading position within the market in which it operates. Five objectives were fixed using strategic planning. The company is hoping to achieve these goals through a series of actions that use marketing mix tools. These actions require a series of strategies, such as, differentiation strategies and market entry strategies. The final part of the project consists of an economic viability plan which, includes the cost that these marketing actions would entail for the company in order to analyse the financial benefits. There is also a control plan for the foreseen fixed objectives in order to determine whether they are being achieved by CrossFit 393 and as a way to register their financial benefits

    Enhancing human health and wellness through neighborhood development standards

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    Master of Regional and Community PlanningLandscape Architecture/Regional and Community PlanningKatherine NesseFormally debuted in 2014, WELL Building Standard v1.0 is the world’s first building standard focusing solely on health and wellness. The WELL Building Standard is a performance-based standard that is designed to improve human health outcomes by integrating medical research into the design and construction of buildings. However, given the relatively young age of the building standard, it does not yet address health at the community level. Focusing on the wellness concepts established in WELL Standard v1.0, this research project re-imagines the standard as a metric to measure the health and wellness of master-planned communities. Through an analysis of the WELL Building Standard and other health-related literature, this research project identifies design strategies, protocols, and policies that can be used to improve health outcomes at the community level

    Lifestyle of adolescents

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    Zdravý životní styl může hrát významnou roli jednak v udržení optimální tělesné hmotnosti a jednak v prevenci řady kardiovaskulárních a metabolických onemocnění v dospělosti. Z těchto důvodů je nesmírně důležité, aby se děti a adolescenti vyvarovali negativních aspektů životního stylu a byli vzděláváni a podporováni v provozování zdravého životního stylu ve všech jeho podobách. V teoretické části této bakalářské práce je definován pojem adolescent a obezita. Dále jsou uvedeny důležité aspekty dodržování zdravého životního stylu, včetně výživových doporučení a udržování pohybové aktivity. V práci jsou též zmíněny rizikové faktory vedoucí k nárůstu tělesné hmotnosti jako jsou genetické faktory, nevhodné stravovací návyky, nedostatek pohybu, rodinné a sociální zázemí, vybraná onemocnění a dlouhodobá medikace. Vyjmenovány jsou i nejčastější komplikace spojené se zvýšenou tělesnou hmotností, které mohou nepříznivě ovlivnit život jedince. K posouzení antropometrických měření jsou prezentovány percentilové grafy pro chlapce a dívky. V neposlední řadě jsou sepsány důležité body v doporučení pro zdravý životní styl u adolescentů. Cílem praktické části bakalářské práce bylo zjistit, jaký životní styl vedou adolescenti. Anonymního dotazníkového šetření se účastnilo 198 studentů (93 dívek, 105 chlapců)...A healthy lifestyle plays an important role in both keeping an optimal body weight as well as in the prevention of cardiovascular or metabolic diseases in adulthood. Therefore, it is highly important for children and adolescents to avoid negative aspects of their lifestyles and to be educated and supported in leading a healthy lifestyle in all it's forms. The theoretical part of this bachelor thesis defines the terms adolescent and obesity. It also lists all important aspects of a healthy lifestyle, including recommendations related to nutritions and physical activity. Risk factors that may be associated with increased body weight, such as genetic factors, inappropriate eating habits, a lack of exercise, an adverse family and social background, selected diseases and long-term medication, are further discussed. The most common obesity-related complications in children and adolescents are also presented. Additionally, percentile graphs of assessed anthropometric parameters for boys and girls are shown. Recommendations for a healthier lifestyle during adolescence are finally listed. The goal of the practical part of the bachelor thesis was to ascertain what kind of lifestyle adolescents lead. Anonymous questionnaire research was carried out on 198 students (93 girls and 105 boys) in a private high...3rd Medical Department - Clinical Department of Endocrinology and MetabolismIII. interní klinika - klinika endokrinologie a metabolismu 1.LF a VFN v PrazeFirst Faculty of Medicine1. lékařská fakult

    Avaliação e prescrição de exercício no Ginásio Clube Português

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    Este relatório foi realizado no âmbito da cadeira da unidade curricular de Estágio com vista a obtenção do título de Mestre em Exercício e Saúde. Este representa o culminar de um trabalho realizado ao longo de um ano letivo no Ginásio Clube Português desempenhando a função de Fisiologista do Exercício. Tem como objetivo mencionar todas as competências, conhecimentos adquiridos ao longo deste percurso, como também sugestões de melhoria de serviço. Este reflete não só as tarefas desempenhadas na instituição como pesquisas realizadas. Encontra-se dividido em duas grandes partes. A primeira é relativa ao trabalho todo desenvolvido na instituição ao longo do período de estágio, com intervenções na avaliação e prescrição de exercício físico. A segunda parte refere-se a minha intervenção na recolha de dados no GCPLab, para o estudo Pumping Arteries. Verificando os objetivos iniciais para a elaboração deste relatório, e após analise cuidada do mesmo, é possível concluir que foi possível cumprir da melhor forma possível com os mesmos, resultando num crescimento tanto profissional como pessoal.This report was carried out in the context of the curricular unit Internship, in order to acquire the Master’s Degree in Exercise and Health. This represent the work realized during one academic year, performed at Ginásio Clube Português as an Exercise Physiologist. It aims to mention all the skills, knowledge acquired along this path, as well as suggestions for service improvements. This reflects not only tasks performed at the institution, but also researches performed. It is divided in two major parts. The first part is related to the work developed in the institution throughout the internship period, with interventions in pre-exercise evaluation and prescription of physical exercise. The second part refers my intervention in collecting data in GCPLab for the study Pumping Arteries. Checking the initial objectives for the preparation of this report, and after careful analysis of it, it is possible to conclude that is was possible to fulfill them in the best way possible, resulting in both professional and personal growth

    Programa de gestão e controlo do peso Ginásio Clube Português

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    O excesso de peso e obesidade são considerados uma das principais preocupações da sociedade atual, sendo uma problemática que quase triplicou - a nível mundial – desde 1975. Esta acarreta fatores de risco, onde as duas principais causas são a excessiva ingestão calórica e a inatividade física. Vários autores têm demonstrado a importância da prática de exercício físico, uma alimentação saudável e modificação ao nível do comportamento, como forma de reverter esta situação. O Ginásio Clube Português (GCP), através do programa de Gestão e Controlo do Peso, permite aos seus sócios ter duas das vertentes consideradas fulcrais para uma gestão do peso e da obesidade – programa de exercício físico e acompanhamento nutricional - sendo que 7 meses de estágio tiveram como objetivo primordial o acompanhamento desta população. As tarefas de Avaliação e Prescrição de Exercício, abrangeram o acompanhamento realizado na SAAT (Sala de Avaliação e Aconselhamento Técnico) no processo de avaliação do sócio e o acompanhamento do seu processo de treino na SE (Sala de Exercício). Esta tarefa permitiu uma aprendizagem contínua com os professores da SE, bem como uma troca de conhecimento constante. O contributo dado à instituição consistiu num estudo comparativo entre os dois equipamentos de avaliação da composição corporal existentes no GCP – Tanita TBF-310 e Seca mBCA 515 - tendo sido realizado em 30 indivíduos pertencentes ao clube, de ambos os sexos. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre equipamentos, conduzindo à introdução de um segundo contributo – ferramenta digital com base em equações de calibração – através das quais os valores obtidos na Tanita se assemelham aos obtidos com a Seca. Em suma, a realização do estágio representou um período de aprendizagem que permitiu passar os conhecimentos adquiridos ao longo destes 5 anos, para a prática. As tarefas realizadas permitiram que me fosse transmitido o modo de funcionamento, bem como a dinâmica existente numa instituição desta dimensão.Overweight and obesity is a health-related problem that triplicated since 1975 at a worldwide level. This represents numerous health risk factors, being the two main causes the calories over-ingestion and the physical inactivity. Several authors have been demonstrating the importance of the combination of exercise’s practice, healthy eating and a behavior change, as an approach to revert these circumstances. GPC allows to its partners, through the Weight Management&Control Program, to have the two core strands for weight management and obesity control: a tailor-made exercise program together with nutricional monitoring. The goal of this internship was the monitoring of this specific group through seven months, resulting in a series of results. The tasks of evaluation and exercise prescription covered the accompaniment of the clients’ evaluation processes – at the Evaluation and Technical Counseling Room – and of their training processes at the exercise room. These tasks allowed not only a continuous learning with the exercise room teachers, but also a constant knowledge exchange. The analysis handed to the institution consisted on a comparative study between the two existent equipments for corporal composition’s evaluation – Tanita BF-310 and Seca mBCA515 – with a sample of 30 individuals, all club members, from both genders. The results demonstrated significative statistic differences between both machines, reinforcing the introduction of a second analysis – based on a digital tool using calibration equations – through which the values obtained in Tanita are similar to those obtained with Seca. In conclusion, this internship represented a learning period in which I was able to improve and apply the knowledge acquired in the last 5 years of study. The planned tasks allowed me not only to have a full understanding of the procedures involved, but also the conscience of the existing dynamics in an institution as GCP

    Calcium intake in individuals with dietary restrictions of milk and dairy foods

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    The goal of my master's thesis is to research calcium intake in individuals with partial or complete dietary restriction of milk and dairy products. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part mostly originates from foreign scholarly articles and describes calcium from various points of view. This part informs about calcium's functions in different parts of a human body, describes its metabolism and factors that could alter it. Furthermore, it describes homeostasis and results of homeostasis corruption. Additionally, this thesis analyses disorders related to calcium phosphate metabolism disorder like osteoporosis, osteomalatia and rachitis. Another disorder analyzed is lactose intolerance and cow's milk protein allergy which are disorders requiring restriction of milk and dairy products. The theoretical part also discusses content and efficiency of calcium in different articles of nutrition as well as daily recommended dosages appropriate for age and sex of individual. The practical part consists of a questionnaire aimed at calcium intake in researched group. Among other things the questionnaire investigates lifestyle of respondents and lifestyle connected risk factors of disorders like osteoporosis. It considers other osteoporosis risk factors such as disorders,...Diplomová práce si klade za cíl zmapovat příjem vápníku u jedinců s omezeným nebo úplně vyloučeným příjmem mléka a mléčných výrobků. Práce je rozdělena na teoretickou a praktickou část. Teoretická část vychází z velké části ze zahraničních vědeckých článků a popisuje vápník z mnoha pohledů. Informuje o celé řadě jeho funkcí v různých oblastech lidského těla, přibližuje jeho metabolismus a faktory, které ho ovlivňují. Stejně tak popisuje homeostázu a uvádí, co se stane, když dojde k jejímu narušení. Kromě toho práce rozvádí onemocnění související s poruchou kalciofosfátového metabolismu, jako jsou osteoporóza, osteomalacie a rachitida a mimo jiné i laktózovou intoleranci a alergii na bílkovinu kravského mléka, tedy onemocnění vyžadující restrikci mléka a mléčných výrobků. Dále se se v teoretické části můžeme dočíst o obsahu a využitelnosti vápníku v různých potravinách a najdeme zde i doporučené denní dávky s ohledem na věk a pohlaví jedince. Praktická část se formou dotazníkového šetření snaží zjistit, jaký je příjem vápníku ve výzkumném souboru. Mimo jiné se zaměřuje na životní styl respondentů a s ním související rizikové faktory onemocněních jako je osteoporóza. V potaz bere i další rizikové faktory osteoporózy, zejména onemocnění a užívání léků s možným vlivem na kalciofosfátový metabolismus a...III. interní klinika - klinika endokrinologie a metabolismu 1.LF a VFN v Praze3rd Medical Department - Clinical Department of Endocrinology and MetabolismFirst Faculty of Medicine1. lékařská fakult

    Avaliação e prescrição de exercício. Caracterização da intensidade da Modalidade de Spinning

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    O presente relatório foi realizado para adquirir o título de Mestre em Exercício e Saúde da Faculdade de Motricidade Humana e traduz o trabalho realizado e o conhecimento adquirido ao longo de um ano letivo de estágio como fisiologista do exercício em Doenças Crónicas e Gestão do Peso, em contexto de ginásio, no Ginásio Clube Português (GCP). Na primeira parte do relatório, foi efetuado o enquadramento teórico da prática profissional, sistematizando informações sobre o individuo aparentemente saudável, com doença cardiovascular e com excesso de peso e obesidade. Descreve-se ainda para os mesmos indivíduos, a importância e benefícios do exercício físico e a prescrição do mesmo. Na segunda parte, foram descritas as experiências vividas neste local de estágio e todas as intervenções no mesmo, as razões que me moveram na escolha da instituição, todas as tarefas realizadas na mesma, os principais obstáculos ao longo do estágio, e o contributo feito no ginásio – Comportamento da Frequência Cardíaca nas aulas de Spinning. No final, realiza-se uma reflexão sobre o percurso realizado ao longo do presente ano letivo, salientando objetivos concretizados, objetivos não concretizados e dificuldades sentidas.The present report was developed in order to achieve the title of Master in Exercise and Health from Faculdade de Motricidade Humana and reflects the work developed and the knowledge acquired during one academic year of internship as exercise physiologist in chronic diseases and weight management, in gym context, at Ginásio Clube Português (GCP). In the first section of the report, it was developed a theoretical framework of the professional practice, systematising informations regarding an apparently healthy, with cardiovascular disease and over weighted with obesity individual. It is also described for the same individual, the importance and the benefits of physical exercise and its prescription. In the second section, there is a description of the experience lived within the internship local and all the interventions made, the reasons that moved me in choosing this institution, all the tasks performed, the main obstacles along the internship and the contributions made to the gym – behaviour of cardiac frequency in Spinning classes. At the end, a reflection regarding the path made along the present academic year, highlighting the objectives achieved and not achieved and the difficulties felt is made

    The Influence of regular physical activity on self concept of women

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    Záměrem této práce je zkoumat v rámci sebepojetí žen jejich tělesné sebehodnocení a generalizovanou self-efficacy (vnímaná osobní účinnost), a to v souvislosti s pravidelnou pohybovou aktivitou, kterou tyto ženy provozují. Pro komplexnější uchopení tématu sebepojetí a sportu navíc sledujeme několik dalších proměnných: Body Mass Index (BMI), subjektivní sebevědomí, profesionální úroveň sportování a to, zda má žena děti. Teoretická část práce se zabývá konceptem sebepojetí se zaměřením na tělesné sebepojetí u žen a na self-efficacy ve sportu. Dále pojednává o vzájemném vztahu pohybu (těla) a psychiky. V empirické části práce jsme kvantitativním výzkumem na souboru 100 sportujících žen zjišťovali jejich tělesné sebehodnocení v souvislosti s typem pohybových aktivit, kterým se věnují. Zabývali jsme se také zjišťováním vztahu tělesného sebehodnocení, generalizované self-efficacy a dalších proměnných. Jako výzkumné metody jsme použili Profil tělesného sebehodnocení (PTS) a Dotazník obecné vlastní efektivity. z výsledků výzkumu na našem souboru vyplývá, že není statisticky významný rozdíl v tělesném sebehodnocení žen dle typu pohybových aktivit, které pravidelně vykonávají. Dále jsme zjistili statisticky významně vyšší tělesné sebehodnocení u profesionálně sportujících žen oproti ženám sportujícím...The aim of this thesis is to study physical self-evaluation and generalized self-efficacy within the self-concept of women. This is put in context with their regular physical exercise. a number of other variables are being examined to add the complexity to the topic of self-concept and sports. Among them there are Body Mass Index (BMI), subjective self- confidence, level of professional involvement in particular sport activity and whether the woman has children. The theoretical part of this work looks at the self-concept paradigm focusing on the physical self-concept of women and self-efficacy in sports. Furthermore it examines how the physical exercise is related to the mind. In the empirical part of the thesis physical self-evaluation of women was researched in context with the type of exercise they had been doing. This was examined in quantitative analysis of a group of 100 women who did sports. The research includes also relationship among physical self- evaluation, generalized self-efficacy and other variables. The research method used was the Physical Self-Perception Profile (PSPP) and Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES). The results of the research are: There is no statistically relevant difference in physical self- evaluation of women based on the type of exercise they do regularly....Department of PsychologyKatedra psychologieFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult